Friday, September 16, 2011

Soul headphones by Ludacris

Several prominent hip-hop/rap artists have come out with their own "luxury" line of headphones in the past year or so.  The most famous of these being the "SOUL" by Ludacris, and the "beats by Dre."  

Ludacris' SOUL headphones look great and sound great too.  There are many models to satisfy every kind of consumer with every kind of desire.  Models range from ones that cover your entire ear to in-ear buds.  As with any luxury electronic product, battery life remains an issue, but SOUL has done its best to counter the battery life problem and designed the headphones so that, while not as loud or dynamic as before, they would remain functional even after the battery has died.  It's a really cool concept. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pre-assessment Quiz Remarks

Your Final Score: 19 out of 20=95%
On the Computer Concepts pre-assessment quiz, I scored a 95%, but it should have been 100%.  There were a couple mistakes in the makeup of the quiz, including marking correct answers as wrong, and some of the questions also had poor wording. 
Here are some examples of problems I found within the quiz:
3. With its slow processing speed and small screen, a handheld computer is not powerful enough to handle many of the tasks that can be accomplished by a desktop computer.

You have chosen the INCORRECT answer.
The correct answer is False

There was also another question that was worded strangely, and could have easily tripped up takers of the test who weren't reading closely.